I joined the consortium because being a small business is rough.
Christine Ricci, Liquid Mobile IV

I joined the consortium because being a small business is rough.

Everyone needs a partner when running a business - small or large. If you're in the wellness space, this group is a great partner.

I recommend that Wellness Consortium to anybody working in the wellness realm because there is nothing else like this group in terms of authentic people who want you to be successful and have the common goal of getting and keeping our community well.

I joined the consortium because being a small business is rough. You need to be surrounded by great businesses for exposure to other wellness knowledge and networking.

I have received much value from this network of individuals, primarily the phenomenal opportunity for sharing knowledge, experiences, and recommendations so we can all deliver the best-in-class patient care we aim for. Inevitably, there are times when some aspect of patient care is not in our lane.

It is critical to have trusted experts to refer to and lean into during these times and this group is it!

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